Cigar Bodega is a specialty tobacconist offering a wide selection of premium cigars, accessories and pipes in Unionville, ON.
Cigar Bodega is very pleased to be celebrating its’ 17th Anniversary in 2014! Certainly, many changes have taken place in the market place since opening in 1997. The biggest impact came as a result of the implementation of Smoke Free Ontario, which does not allow any smoking indoors in a public area, (even a cigar store). This ultimately led to the closure of the lounge at the store in 2006. Specialty Tobacconists such as Cigar Bodega consequently had to make more than a few adjustments in order to survive; particularly in winter when single or negative figures on the Celsius scale significantly reduce the enjoyment of a cigar!
Since Cigar Bodega is designated a Specialty Tobacconist (more than 50% of revenue derived from cigars, pipe tobacco and related accessories) we are still able to display all cigars and pipe tobacco.
Cigar Bodega is open seven days a week throughout the year (check the website for current/seasonal hours). Free parking is available behind the store (accessed from laneway).
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