OIS Financial Ltd.
1 km
Great place to get travel and health insurance. Friendly and knowledgeable staff
Valley First Insurance
1 km
Friendly staff who gave us good advice to help us save money and it meant they ended ...
They approved my windshield claim four months ago and all of a sudden called me up and left a message saying they decided they wont be paying for it. It turns out that the adjuster that approved the claim made a mistake and it shouldn't have been approved in the first place. That's not my problem, Intact. It's yours. Meanwhile, the company that completed the APPROVED claim has been out the almost $500 for four months. And now, conveniently, the request I made to speak to a supervisor never got passed on. So I call back 48-hours later and now they are all "in a meeting". I hold two other policies with Intact, and I can assure you I am shopping around as we speak. **Update: I would like to say after much convincing and nagging, that Intact has informed me they will be taking ownership for their mistake and rectifying their mistake. While I am not impressed that I had to go through this while ordeal, I will finish my policy durations for the time being as I appreciate the results with regard to this situation.
My stolen bike claim went very smoothly. I did have all my paperwork in terms of receipts, police reports, photos etc. Pleasantly surprised that I forgot we paid an extra small 'Advantage' fee which waived the deductible! We were going to switch companies this year as Intact is more expensive, but sticking with them now because of how well my claim was handled.
I started using Intact in spring 2014. I paid semi annual, and had them for years. I asked for accident forgiveness. I had a claim in 2016 for a parking lot incident, which was covered by claim. Problems started in fall 2018. Intact agent said I did not have accident forgiveness, which I proved false. They tried to raise my rate from 1050 to 2400 dollars year, for no reason, except that they changed years of unbreakable insurance. Then they wanted inspections for my vehicles since older than 2006, but they should have been grandfathered in. They stopped semi-annual payments, and as a person who does not use credit or a regular job, this really impacted me. No Warning. I went to another agent. That agent got more driving experience, and verfied my additional experience. I have had not one traffic ticket and no accidents except parking lot incident since 1993. Finally the new agent for them got me back to close the same rate as before, with only 10% increase. They decided to move me to a 40/30/30 plan, as long as I got inspection. I was late on the 30 payment part by about 20 days, I missed the reminder mail because of a old address and my son did not give me letter. I got the inspection 3 days before cancellation for no inspection, but was not processed in time, and their automatic system issues a $200 refund cheque. Now they wanted $275, immediately that day, did not have it, so I asked for cheque trace. Their system said I had cashed it, I knew I did not. It took them almost 7 weeks to prove that I did not cash it, cause now they wanted a year up front cause of me cashing the cheque, which I did not cash. This even led to other events where I had to scramble to find insurance in one day and I tried to raise $1750 for a competitor. I failed. Now I have two cancellations on my record. So I lost my income and now I am homeless and sleep under a tree, and I am selling my things so I can pay both companies. I paid last week the last $75 I owed. I asked agent to ask Intact to take me back. Agent will not return call now, and she promised she would ask cause I waited 7 weeks for them to prove I did not cash cheque as I claimed. It was their system error. So, one this company does not have your back. Second, they change policies and do not care who they hurt. Not being able to call the company directly adds confusion. I am sorry I did not build a history with another company instead of them, cause I am homeless my car is stuck in BC in storage and I cannot get it back to Alberta, because this company and a series of events, let me to ruin, which of course I played my part. But this has nothing to do with my driving history, it is just all about money and their need to make people jump hoops all the time. I am a little bitter, but sleeping in the cold under a tree does that. And I drive so careful, I see the other people run red lights almost run people over, and I am the one they are trying to get high rates from, and penalize, just cause I am not working a full time job and have no credit, and trying to best to make my payments, and missed it by a few days. Such is life. Build your history with another company, they might have some compassion for you, this company has no compassion for anyone but themselves.
Thus company doesn't unsure 10 year old semi detached homes that are built to building code and have fir rating doors, drywall and other measures in place. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY FOR ANY INSURANCE NEEDS.
Unable to add my home insurance policy and create an online account.. this would be great. I will change my two star review to five if this could be rectified.
Your help was very kind and considerate. Thank-you?