This Institution is intentionally spreading incorrect information to gain business of your hard earned money. They show no credibility to any of their studies, or claims. I beg anyone that looks into this facility to look elsewhere. You are going to find nothing but money hungry, and unethical monkeys.
9 years ago (17-06-2016)
Why would you have a picture of mods on your page and put up uneducated billboards bashing a safer alternative. Does Michigan have any educational system at all? Thats where id focus my energy.
9 years ago (29-06-2016)
I am an insurance coordinator at a private psychology practice. This company is THE WORST company to ever work with regarding processing claims or getting authorizations. No one communicates within this company. Do not ever coordinate your insurance with this company because they require too much information on each patient, which is a problem with HIPAA and it seems like they want to help people, but in the end they don't.
9 years ago (13-07-2016)
What a shame that you would spread misinformation and lies about vapor products.
It seems very unethical to post anti vaping information when you clearly are misinformed about the facts.
I'm not sure what agenda it is that you're trying to fulfill, but apparently public health and safety is not your main concern. You should feel embarrassed and ashamed for your malicious attack on vapor products, but I guess it's hard to make money when people are healthy and not in need of prescriptions.
9 years ago (17-06-2016)
Completely unethical organization that is actively lying to the city's smokers. Seek help elsewhere and read the Royal College of Physicians report on nicotine and vapor products for accurate information.