Spinners Laundromat
7 km
the reiviews listed here,claiming machines are broken and eat their change are ridicu...
Spinners Laundromat
7 km
Came to this coin laundry and have to say it's a rip off . 3 customers lost money, th...
Bloor Coin Laundry
7 km
I have been using this laundrymat for two years. The laundry was already in the machi...
I liked the green cleaning concept, but they are a bit more expensive than others. But to me they blew it twice. First, I took a comforter to be sewn as it had opened at a seam. A month and $35 later I got back one that was worse than what I brought in. Then I brought in a pair of pants with a 1 inch opening to sew in a very easy place to fix. $20 for that. Hemming pants typically costs $5 at other places. Unacceptable.