Introducing Whole Body Vibration (WBV)
Spice Wellness Systems was developed to create a method for the "young at heart" and not so young in years to aquire wellness through a non-invasive method of Whole Body Vibration (WBV). The benefits are extensive, WBV has been reported to:
- build bone denisty
- increase circultion
- stimulate rapid inch loss
- drain the lymphatic system
- strengthen muscules
- improve balance
- develop better posture
- relieve stress
- reduce aches & pains
- provide anti-aging benefits
- improve sleep patterns
- balance moods
All this can be achieved by taking one 10 minute treatment just three times per week!
This may not be for everyone. Please consult your physician before starting WBV, especially if you have any of these pre-existing conditions:
- pregnancy - serious cardiovascular disease
- epilepsy - hip or knee implants (within the past 12 months)
- pacemaker - acute hernia, discopathy
- acute thrombosis - severe diabetes
- tumours - severe miagraines
- recently placed metal pins (within the past 12 mos.)
- aneursim
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