This school is actually good compared to most schools. 8:15 to 2:15 5 hours most school 5 hours 45 minutes easy classes more black people most schools now are white washed and if u ever went to a black school and transfered to a white washed school u might kill ur self like me. The white washed school thought me nothing. they just make u do projects all the time about stuff u learned in 4th grade. vestal u just be there and do nothing sleep or something. lunch is trayush but thats all schools bring ur own lunch. lunch was free and still might be idk. and u complain there is no recess well the white washed school has no recess. this school is just good cus its shorter black people intresting people. white people are more ghetto not white washed. asian people more than most schools now. i could take a pic of my class rn but i dont have my phone im typing this on the school pc rn so. yeah.
8 years ago (19-03-2018)
Honestly had 2 actual lockdowns while I went there and just left halfway thru 2nd grade. also, way to much graffiti
8 years ago (22-02-2018)
I attended Vestal "Elementary" School for the entirety of the time I've been going to school at all, so 9 years in total (counting Kindergarten). My experience has been a rough path full of ups and downs in certain years or just in general, but one thing I can say? It became a disaster overtime, and it worsened. This is mainly because of one thing, and it's the community within Vestal, but only with the students. I cannot blame the staff, they try to be the best they can be and try to keep students under control (which was proven more difficult as time went on).
The community is one thing: terrible. If I had to be honest, it is by far one of the worse problems about this school. I lacked any sort of actual friends and also had next-to-nothing respect for anybody because of the toxic students. I could even go to say that my own teachers were my friends and that was 2 people. That is almost more than the friends I wanted to stay with, and that's disappointing, not me that's disappointing, but the community. Some students were notorious for bad acts, which includes talking trash about others, treating this school like their own house, and the list goes on. They had a toxic mindset, and overall spread negativity, making everyone's experience at school a living Hell. It was hard to make friends, and even harder when nobody was open and at least kind.
The teachers are a very different story for me. I got along with my teachers very well, especially in 8th grade. They made my day better and more pleasant, and I couldn't thank them enough for helping me with my assignments and even being there for me. Many people say the staff here is bad, but I got along with them just fine.
Another problem here is funding. Vestal is known as a school that's in a "crisis" that needs help. Although this doesn't necessarily affect myself and others that much, it would definitely be nicer to not have lead in the water and have to have water coolers.
Being taught lessons here isn't that bad, surprisingly. I was one of the few honor role kids (for a short amount of time though, since it's difficult to get all HP), and got the Presidential award at Promotion (8th grade graduation). Wasn't even that difficult, honestly. Paying attention in class and asking questions with teachers was all I needed to be able to get passing and exceeding grades, which was quite easy.
Would I recommend this school? I really wouldn't. This school is soon converting back to its roots of being a K-5 school. Maybe the school will be better then, but when it stays as a K-8 I wouldn't really recommend here, only because of the community and the school isn't funded enough.
8 years ago (28-08-2017)
i don't want to make the good teachers at vestal feel bad so i will rate this shcool 1 star. only women are in the kitchen except i saw one black guy there once but i think he was only there becuase he was having an a love affair with one of da ladies in the kitchen. she was reobebly black
8 years ago (17-08-2017)
I dont like vestal boring and i dont miss that pile of TRASH