The most authentic Taiwanese bubble tea shop since 1992.
Introducing the very first Canadian store at North York, Toronto location, opened in 2013.
1992年,歇脚亭No.1問世,從台北市重慶南路小茶攤發跡;三年後,歇脚亭 鄭凱隆董事長 成立聯發國際事業體; 1999年,創立馬來西亞知名品牌「CUPBON」,推出的酷動冰引爆冰沙凍飲市場,成績斐然;五年後,取得業界獨家首創T型速交袋專利;2010年入駐美食聞名都會 - 香港,遍及港九新界及澳門等地,成立四十家門市;2011年起雄略全球精準佈局,左進全球焦點市場 - 中國,北京、上海、廣州、深圳…,右攻世界知名指標 - 紐約、杜拜,引爆亞洲國家 - 新加坡、大馬、菲律賓、泰國、汶萊,甚至澳大利亞,人手一杯「Sharetea」,讓歇脚亭珍珠奶茶在海外發光發熱,成為名副其實台灣美食外交官。
Share the World,Share happiness
聯發國際-歇脚亭 鄭凱隆董事長 以台灣茶飲文化領導者自詡,在業界榮獲多項第一,唯一連續六年獲得台灣經濟部商業司茶飲品牌合格總部殊榮,2009年奧林匹克聽障運動會指定手搖茶飲,2011年成為代表台灣建國百年三大美食之一;展望未來2012將持續以據點擴展為區域、區域帶領市場、市場跨越距離策略,透過嶄新市場思維,讓健康+茶飲=健康新潮流,採用創新行銷模式,使創意+茶飲=創意新時尚,「Sharetea│歇脚亭」就是要讓全世界品嚐台灣正宗茶飲文化!
Share Tea Dining Business Corporate was founded in 1992 by Mr. Cheng Kai-Lung and we started off our business with to-go black tea and pearl milk tea drinks. With great comments and feedback from our customers Share Tea was known as good tea. Since then, we have expanded our branches all over the world and we have had great success as part of the tea-drinking sector.
In 1992, the very first shop of Share Tea opened in Taipei City; three years later, Share Tea Corporation was founded; in 1999, the franchise brand “CUP-BON” was established in Malaysia successfully; in 2004, the patent T-shaped bag was invented and became a new trend; in 2010, Share Tea first chain store was opened in Hong Kong which is famous for its marvelous cuisines and within a short period of time, 40 chain stores were opened all over Hong Kong and Macao; in 2011, we targeted Chinese markets including Beijing , Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen; also expanded our markets worldwide from Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei and Australia to United States and even Dubai. The image of “a Sharetea drink in your hand” has imprinted in our customers’ minds which leads Sharetea Pearl Milk Tea to its success internationally.
The chairman of Lian-Fa International Sharetea, Cheng Kai-lung, has always seen himself as a leader in tea-drinking sector. Share Tea is the only beverage industry franchise corporation which is recognized as “Taiwan Good Chain Store” by Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan for 6 consecutive years. We were the only pearl milk tea at the 2009 Taipei Deaflmpics and the only pearl milk tea brand that represented Taiwanese culture in R.O.C. 100th birthday celebration.
What we see ourselves in the future is to expand our market like a ripple with a new way of thinking which means health + tea drinks = healthy trend, and a new way of marketing which means creation + tea drinks=creative new fashion. Our mission is to introduce the world the most authentic Taiwanese tea-drinking culture!
To serve customers wholeheartedly with the best beverage made from the finest and natural ingredients that are delicious and healthy to achieve continued customer satisfaction and constantly exceed their expectations.
Now, we are so excited and glad to have brought Share Tea to Toronto to share life, share love, and share tea with our Canadians.
We are Share Tea lovers and we aim to share our passion in making great tea with you.
Over 50 flavors of Black Tea, Oolong Tea, Green Tea, Milk Tea, Fruit Tea, etc.
"Established in 1992 Taiwan. Opened branches and franchises all over the world, you can find us in China, HK, Macao, Canada, UK, Dubai, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, Brunei, Indonesia, Korea, Cambodia, Sarawak and Australia to lead Sharetea Pearl Milk Tea to its success internationally."to add Sharetea map to your website;