4227 km
Great subs, when I went in around 10pm, there were 2 elder ladies who gave excellent ...
The staffs are very friendly as hardworking. The manager is very professionalism. The pizza brownies and donuts are very fresh and not expensive. Most of the time I have lunch there with my mom.
7 years ago (03-05-2018)
This was excellent pizza. The service was top notch. They made me a veggie pizza perfectly with the toppings so carefully done that I took a picture to show my friends! I loved every bite.
8 years ago (09-11-2017)
Encountered a mean lady at the counter... am still busy preparing the pizza at the counter putting up extra cheese ... then she os hurrying me up to pay the pizza because she wants me to pay it right up... i told her dont worry am just busy preparing my pizza...nuy she you have to pay now... was that so mean of her to their clients?
8 years ago (10-03-2018)
Wonderful service and food. Especially loved the Feast Pizzas, even though they are 50 cents extra it was defiantly worth it :D
9 years ago (05-04-2017)
Very dishonest staff. Purchased one regular slice of pizza and asked for water, which is supposed to be $2.99 total according to their menu. Then she tells me it's $4.70, I asked why and she claims the pizza is 50 cents extra and water is 50 cents extra. Doesnt explain why they are extra because it's just a regular slice and water. Even if that's true that's only $3.99 how can it be $4.70 after tax? I still gave 50 cents tips so it totaled $5.20. Be carful if you go, check the prices she charges you.
Worst of all, the person who ate the pizza told me the pizza was cold and tasted rotten. Not surprising because it looked cold and stale.