Tons and tons of extra fees that you won't find out about until you look at your credit card statement once the charge has gone through and you can't cancel. The price isn't what they are saying it is. I agreed to pay $90 a night and ended up paying close to $180/night, If I knew that at the time of booking I would have rather booked other places at $120 or $150 a night! Feeling super cheated, very unfair approach to take. If you are okay with paying $180 a night then book here otherwise book somewhere else that's at least upfront. NEVER AGAIN I WILL BOOK HERE!
7 years ago (07-05-2018)
wonderful hostess, fluid business, astounding view and convenience, clean, fully furnished with all amenities, reliable. i loved it !
8 years ago (29-11-2017)
Loved my saty. The host were very friendly and cooperative. They would spend so much time guiding me to the best way to reach my destinations every single day I stayed in there. The room was really clean. Location is awesome too, close to everything!
9 years ago (11-03-2017)
The suite layout is excellent. Nice view, very clean and spacious. Well equipped with kitchen utentils and bathroom amenity. Our suite was just a 5 minute walk to Square One and City Hall. Definitely the best corporate housing provider in Mississauga. Thank you Elite Suites. I will be back for sure!
9 years ago (11-03-2017)
Incredibky friendly and knowledgeable staff that will stop at nothing until you're satisfied. Best place to all your housing needs! I have never been so satisfied about a purchase more than this before! I Will definitely be a regular there!