I took my mother to Dr Berger she waited 1 month to see him when her appointment day came we where sitting in his office and they tell us that they don’t take her insurance.I went on to explain why didn’t anybody verify this in the last 30days or even when the appointment was made we had provided the information to her insurance since we made the appointment.I asked if he could please see her I was willing to pay out of pocket she stated it was 320for the visit and 200 for the shots I said my mom is in excruciating pain she waited a month to see this doctor can he at least give me a discount she had us wait another hour to ask the doctor if he could give that discount and he she came back and said well doctor Berger thinks it’s not convenient for him he recommends to come back when she changes her insurance.It is disgraceful that a doctor sees a elderly woman in so much pain and I’m willing to pay and he can’t even give her a discounted price knowing his office never verified her insurance and they had 30 days because it wasn’t convenient for him