Rate is $25 now. There is an out house and trash cans, nice quiet place. We're having fun!
8 years ago (01-10-2017)
A great little camping spot with lots of trees (shade and hammock holders). There are nice picnic tables, and fire pits at each site and throughout campground a few pit toilets, drinking water and garbage recpticales. Depending on your camping style/ amenity needs, this can be a great spot. Mostly tent camping, didn't see any RV's.
8 years ago (21-08-2017)
excellent every year we go to the A.B.A.T.E Run
9 years ago (22-01-2017)
Lots of fun there
8 years ago (29-05-2017)
Good for a quick overnight. Rate is only 10 per night but what it's for, I don't know. The place is pretty overgrown and desolate. Quiet abounds. :) works for me!