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Harvest House Ministries Office
4 km
Great experience doing ministry at Harvest House! Newly renovated, very professional ...
An incredible place full of very happy people! You can't help but to feel happy and accepted here.
8 years ago (13-01-2018)
A family congregation that is open to anyone. Mormons typically wear suits or dress shirts and ties for men and skirts and/or dresses. Congregational meetings last about 1 hour with Sunday School for adults and youth and other meetings lasting another 2 hours.
8 years ago (04-06-2017)
A day of worship with friends living on PEI. Thank you for taking us here. You are blessed to have such a friendly ward.
9 years ago (04-10-2016)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a great place to feel God's love for you. Every time I attend church here I feel closer to God and understand what he wants for me. Peace and answers to questions can be found here. It has done that for me and can do that for you as well.