
Reviews, get directions and information for Micromedica

"Sutele de medici din clinici MedLife oferă acces pacienților la un diagnostic corect și la soluții personalizate nevoilor acestora. Expertiza medicilor, alături de tehnologia de ultimă generație, construiesc performanța de care fiecare pacient are nevoie. La MedLife, continuăm să inovăm, să evoluăm și să investim în echipamente medicale, pentru a le oferi pacienților cea mai bună experiență medicală."
Address: 660 4e rue de la Pointe, Shawinigan, QC G9N 1G8, Canada
Phone: (819) 536-7973
State: Québec
County: Le Centre-de-la-Mauricie
Zip Code: G9N 1G8

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I do not recommend this place. I made an appointment for a consultation and i asked for the price. They said it’s only 100 lei. When i arrived to the doctor, she said that only a consultation is not possible and that sa has to make also an ecography that was charged another 100 lei. I would have been ok with this if it would have been mentioned from the beginning.
A complete lack of punctuality and attitude. Neverthless, i had an appointment at 8:30 for medical analysis, furthermore i specifically camed here for blood harvest and haven't eaten anything by early morning. I WAITED 3 HOURS to get my medical exam and was delayed because my appointment apparently had no MEANING for any doctor or person there, of course because they are too busy with other patientsno comment here, maybe they needed that time more than me, I understand BUT if a patient stay in the ONLY examiner doctor cabin from that clinic for about 30-60 minutes then WHY the HELL don't you make a second cabin for people that need max 20 min. to finish a quick examination and go to stick a bloody needle in their veins. Therefore, i am totally disappointed by our medical health care system and furthermore i'd rather not see any medic again in the coming years as i have also done in the past 3. And as an ending fact, despite that i camed and waited for almost 3 hours; How am i supposed to complete my analysis if the laboratory for harvesting blood closes at 11:30? Thank you MICROMEDICA for keeping not one, but 3 more peoples on the hallway, delaying appointments with 2 hours and in the final, the laboratory for harvest is closed and i have spent half of my day with eyes on the walls, doing absolutely nothing but staying with a damn examination paper in my hand and wasted my time.
Translated by Google Unfortunately, the attitude and professionalism of the ladies at the reception leaves much to be desired! After waiting an hour for the appointment I had, I was told that the doctor had already left even though I had announced that I had an appointment with him. Total disorganization! Original Din păcate atitudinea și profesionalismul domnișoarelor din recepție lasă de dorit!După ce am așteptat o ora pentru programarea pe care o aveam mi s-a spus că domnul doctor a plecat deja deși anunțasem că am o programare la dumnealui.Dezorganizare totala!
Translated by Google Analyzes in order, serious doctors. It happens that some consultations are rescheduled, but in the end they are resolved. Original Analize în regula, doctori serioși. Se mai întâmplă să se reprigrameze unele consultații, dar pana la urma se rezolva.
Translated by Google Terrible. I had an appointment at 18:15 It's half past one and there are 6 patients ahead of me. I have this appointment for an elderly person for a week and also called again today to confirm. At the reception the first time I was made to pay for the consultation and then this queue was presented to me. When I asked how such a thing is possible, I was told that the doctor was half an hour late, but how is it going, I have to wait at least another hour, at the end of the hall without air conditioning, considering that it is 35 degrees outside . You go to the private sector in search of professionalism and give the same insensitivity a bit of a haircut. Original Groaznic. Aveam programare la ora 18:15 Este și jumătate și sunt 6 pacienți înaintea mea. Am aceasta programare pentru o persoana vârstnica de o săptămână și de asemenea am fost sunat astăzi din nou pentru confirmare. La recepție prima data am fost pus sa plătesc consultația și apoi mi a fost prezentată aceasta coada. Când am întrebat cum este posibil asa ceva mi sa spus ca a întârziat doctorița o jumătate de ora, dar la cum merge mai am de așteptat cel puțin o ora, întru n fund de hol fără aer conditionat având în vedere ca afara sunt 35 de grade. Mergi la privat în căutare de profesionalism și dai de acceasi nesimțire un pic coafata.
Translated by Google A few days ago I approached the Micromedica Medical Center without much expectation to perform multiple MRI investigations against the cost. Although we did not show up in person for the appointment, our repeated phone calls and changing our requirements several times, did not annoy any of the employees on the other end of the line. This flexibility in addressing the needs of patients responsible, caring like us, by all the clinic staff including the decision-makers, impressed us. I emphasize this because we had just hit the rigidity, the strictness of the decisions of another medical center. A few days later we showed up as scheduled, definitely conquered by the human qualities of the reception and office staff: young, friendly, honest, decent people, with a pleasant language. No one was in a hurry to sort us out as quickly as possible even though they all had families waiting for them at home for the final preparations one day before the New Year. Holy Patience! It is remarkable that all the staff of the clinic do everything as you patient, to feel comfortable in the interaction with each of them. Only professionals master this lesson. For all of this, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for the impeccable quality of the services provided. Congratulations and a prosperous new year, with health and many joys, we address especially to the "criminals" Andriuță Adriana, Aparaschivei Gabriela and last but not least to Claudiu Dobrițoiu. In conclusion, we warmly recommend the Micromedica Center for seriousness, solicitude, professionalism. Original Acum câteva zile am abordat fără mari așteptări Centrul Medical Micromedica pentru efectuarea unor investigații multiple RMN contracost. Deși nu ne-am prezentat personal pentru programare, apelurile noastre telefonice repetate și modificarea de câteva ori a cerințelor noastre, nu a enervat pe niciunul din angajații de la celălalt capăt al firului. Această flexibilitate în abordarea nevoilor pacienților responsabili, grijulii ca noi, de către tot personalul clinicii inclusiv a factorilor decizionali, ne-a impresionat. Subliniez aceasta căci tocmai ne lovisem de rigiditatea, strictețea deciziilor unui alt centru medical. Câteva zile mai târziu ne-am prezentat conform programării cuceriți definitiv de calitățile umane ale personalului de la recepție și cabinet: persoane tinere, prietenoase, sincere, decente, cu un limbaj plăcut. Nimeni nu a fost grăbit să ne rezolve cât mai repede deși toti aveau familii care îi așteptau acasă pentru ultimile pregătiri inainte cu o zi de Anul Nou.Sfânta Răbdare! Este remarcabil faptul că tot personalul clinicii face totul ca tu pacient, să te simți confortabil în interactiunea cu fiecare dintre ei. Doar profesioniștii stăpânesc această lectie. Pentru toate acestea, vă rugăm să acceptați mulțumirile noastre sincere și aprecierea pentru calitatea impecabilă a serviciilor oferite. Felicitări și un an nou prosper, cu sănătate și multe bucurii adresăm în special..."incriminaților" Andriuță Adriana, Aparaschivei Gabriela și nu în ultimul rând lui Claudiu Dobrițoiu. In concluzie, recomandăm cu căldură Centrul Micromedica pentru seriozitate, solicitudine, profesionalism.
Translated by Google Appointments are not respected! You stay an hour past the time you were scheduled for and you still don't manage to get in for the consultation. Very poorly organized system! Original Nu se respecta programările! Stai' o oră peste ora la care erai programat și tot nu reușești sa intri la consultație. Sistem foarte prost organizat!
Translated by Google Although the appointment times are not exactly respected, everything is ok. Let's not talk about tariffs because it's the same story everywhere. Only you don't need medical services. Original Desi nu se respecta intocmai orele de programare, totul este ok. Despre tarife...sa nu vorbim fiindca este aceeasi poveste peste tot. Numai de servicii medicale sa nu ai nevoie.
Translated by Google Very frivolous with appointments. I had an appointment at the gynecologist, made a week before. 2 days before he called me to reschedule for the next day, it was ok. Then he called me to reschedule in a week. I had another orthopedic appointment the week before and on the day of the appointment he informed me that the doctor was not coming, to come another day. Is this really normal? I've been going to doctors for so many years and I've never had a problem. Original Foarte neserioși cu programările. Am avut o programare la gineco, făcută cu o săptămâna înainte. Cu 2 zile înainte m-a sunat sa reprogram pe următoarea zi, a fost ok. Apoi m-a sunat sa reprogramam peste o săptămâna. Mai aveam la ortopedie făcută tot cu o săptămâna înainte și in ziua programării m-a anunțat ca nu mai vine doctorul, sa vin in alta zi. Oare chiar e normal așa ceva? Merg la doctori de atâția ani și n-am mai pățit.
Translated by Google Much more care is needed for patients, invested in staff training, urgently. While my blood was being taken by a lady nurse, another nurse entered the room and came to a distance of only a few centimeters from me to tell her Christmas stories. Given that I could not distance myself because my blood was being taken, this action shows a total lack of empathy towards the people around who are trying to protect themselves from the virus as much as possible. At the same time, the COVID protocol is more of a hoax, from the entrance when we were "threatened" that our temperature would be taken, later talking and forgetting this aspect, until the non-existent distance in the waiting room where people stand shoulder to shoulder near the shoulder, not being advised to do otherwise. The only good part is that everyone staff and patients had the mask on correctly. Otherwise, there is enormous room for improvement in staff training, especially compared to the old Micromedica staff we were used to in the past. Original Este nevoie de mult mai multa grija fata de pacienti, investiti in training-uri ale staff-ului, urgent. Cat timp mi se lua sange de catre o doamna asistenta, o alta asistenta a intrat in camera si a venit la o distanta de doar cativa centimetri de mine pentru a-si povesti of-urile de Craciun. In conditiile in care eu nu ma puteam distanta pentru ca mi se lua sange, aceasta actiune arata lipsa totala de empatie fata de oamenii din jur care incearca sa se protejeze de virus cat de mult cu putinta. Totodata, protocolul COVID este mai mult o pacaleala, de la intrare cand am fost ,,amenintati" ca ni se va lua temperatura, ulterior luandu-se cu vorba si uitand acest aspect, pana la distantarea inexistenta din sala de asteptare unde oamenii stau umar langa umar, nefiind sfatuiti sa faca altfel. Singura parte buna este ca toata lumea staff si pacienti aveau masca pusa corect. In rest, enorm de mult loc de mai bine in instruirea personalului, in special in comparatie cu vechiul personal Micromedica cu care eram obisnuiti in trecut.
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