Weisgerber Kim Dr
505 miles
He was my family’s doctor since I was 10. Absolute clown and should have his license ...
Van Zyl Paul Dr
505 miles
Patient contact very good. Gave lots of important information regarding surgery. Ma...
Génius , hoden Nobelovy ceny. Vyřešil mnoho věcí, se kterými si medicína rady neví. Děkuji. Translated by Google Genius, worthy of the Nobel Prize. He solved many things that medicine does not know how to deal with. Thank you.
Skvělý pan doktor. Dostal mě kdysi z tuberkulózy a teď pomáhá mojí malé dceři s hlavou a výsledky jsou znát. Velmi příjemné jednání, nemůžu si stěžovat. Translated by Google Great doctor. He cured me of tuberculosis once and now he is helping my little daughter with her head and the results are visible. Very pleasant transaction, I can't complain.
Jedná se o podvodníka, který lidem nepomáhá, jde mu jen o peníze! Tátovi se nezdráhal na základě nesmyslných diagnostických metod před měsícem sdělit, že nemá rakovinu, vzít si za to peníze. Tatínek tento týden umřel na rakovinu tlustého střeva. Translated by Google This is a scammer who doesn't help people, he only cares about money! He didn't hesitate to tell his dad that he didn't have cancer a month ago based on meaningless diagnostic methods, to take money for it. Dad died of colon cancer this week.
K p.dr.jezdím už řádku let a nenechád na něj dopustit. Nikdy nemarodím, neznám rýmy, kašel, nemoci. P.dr. děkuju a těším se letos na další setkání. Translated by Google I've been going to p.dr. for a number of years and you won't let him down. I never get sick, I don't know colds, coughs, diseases. Ph.Dr. thank you and I look forward to the next meeting this year.
Prijima pacienty s rakovinou a tvrdi jim, ze "to bude dobre". Nebude, protoze nikdo vcetne pana doktora netusi, jake to bude. Translated by Google He accepts cancer patients and tells them that "it will be fine". It won't be, because no one including the doctor knows what it will be like.
Arogantní děda. Translated by Google Arrogant grandpa.