The Center Of Health
46 km
I was in town visiting family and was suffering from back and leg issues. Nobody in S...
I've been going here for over a year, I think they are great, nice people. Characters for sure, I trust them, very knowledgeable people.
7 years ago (17-04-2018)
Not a good place it’s local so we have used them in a pinch but the doctor seems a little cuckoo and the nurse practitioner was not very nice the older woman there was a very nice younger woman working that is the only reason we gave two stars I wish there was more medical facilities in the area.
8 years ago (12-04-2018)
Great doctor! Very comfortable office. "Home-like" feeling. Has accupuncture!
8 years ago (04-12-2017)
Cannot be trusted! He states one thing then contradicts himself in the next sentence. He pads his bills with phony treatments that have no relevance. He is a backbiter disparaging other providers.
Though he claims to be board certified in addiction treatment we heard him lying boldly to a patient in need of meds required as they left inpatient treatment, which, by the way, was a HIPAA violation as well as a violation of the Hippocratic oath to "first do no harm." He claimed it was illegal for him to prescribe discharge meds, but instead of calling the doctor discharging the patient, he took it out on the patient.
A member of his staff had to intervene to correct his lies over the legality of prescribing a three day supply. Subsequently he had to relent and give the appropriate and customary medication to the patient but not without causing great anxiety to the patient.
What kind of doctor withholds accepted standards of care? One out of touch with 21st century medicine. We sought treatment for a simple sinus infection, but he had to ask how to spell the antibiotic name.
If he is board certified its likely been decades since he was recertified as doctors in their late 70s were grandfathered past the current standard of ongoing recertification. This means he is way beyond knowing current research proven diagnostic modalities which makes him dangerous.
He lies with the conviction of an addict
looking for a fix.
Run for your life...
Here are 10 more reviews all saying the same thing:
9 years ago (12-03-2017)