I would give this pharmacy 0 stars. So my daughters doctor is in Ansonia and we live here in Bpt. I go into the pharmacy with my prescription because I need to get a nebulizer. 1 theirs no one in the front so I wait. The pharmacist (he's a tall Indian man) ask me if he can help me yes I need this prescription He tells me No this isn't a prescription this isn't what we see and like I explained earlier the doctors in ansonia. I'm showing him the stamped and signed paperwork. He tells me no I say just give me the paper back I'll go to another pharmacy. so to get to the end of the story he calls me an IDIOT I was appalled I didn't even know what to say.over a prescription and a asthma machine really I WOULD NEVER GO BACK TO ANY HANCOCK PHARMACY JUST BECAUSE OF THAT MANS RUDENESS ✌🏽
8 years ago (03-08-2017)
Been taking care of me for five years. Can always depend on them.