related searches: Centre sportif Sherbrooke, Centre sportif UdeS horaire, Centre sportif UdeS inscription, Centre sportif Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke faculty, Centre Sportif de la Petite Bourgogne, Université de Sherbrooke Staff directory, Université de l' Estrie
Great for students of Université de Sherbrooke. Can be not so affordable for occasionnal sports people since every entry costs 10$ for non-members
8 years ago (31-05-2017)
Use of U de Sherbrooke's sports complex costs 8$ per visit and is open to everyone. Parking at the site is extra (about 1.5$ per hour). Includes access university level to the weight room, running track and change rooms. Call ahead, for same day for access to courts and pool time availabilities.
9 years ago (06-02-2017)
Good gym, the staff and users are supportive and they have all the equipment you would need.
8 years ago (21-05-2017)
Not bad, but a little dated and lacking adequate canteen facilities. Court is terrible for volleyball. Manage to squeeze in 8 courts on the main court. Good location and easy to find in Sherbrooke.
9 years ago (09-11-2016)
Has everything you need. Best part is that it's free for students.