Western Canada's largest tobacconist, City Cigar features three sizable showrooms that house a wide variety of tobacco products and accessories.
City Cigar is where the locals shop for Cuban Cigars and Cigars from all over the world. With an extensive selection of pipes, pipe tobacco, hookahs and Shisha tobacco, City Cigar is a world class tobacconist that Vancouver is proud to have. In addition to renowned Cuban cigar brands like Montecristo, Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, Partagas and Bolivar, City Cigar is where the aficionados shop for rare, aged and vintage Cuban cigars. For those hard to find accessories, such as cutters, lighters, humidors, cigar cases, you will find City Cigar provides one stop shopping catering to all your smoking needs.
"City Cigar is where the locals shop for Cuban Cigars and Cigars from all over the world. With an extensive selection of pipes, pipe tobacco, hookahs and Shisha tobacco, City Cigar is a world-class tobacconist that Vancouver is proud to have. In addition to renowned Cuban cigar brands like Montecristo, Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, Partagas and Bolivar, City Cigar is where the aficionados shop for rare, aged and vintage Cuban cigars. For those hard to find accessories, such as cutters, lighters, humidors, cigar cases, you will find City Cigar provides one-stop shopping catering to all your smoking needs."to add City Cigar Emporium map to your website;