
Reviews, get directions and information for Bellevue Dental Clinic

Address: 117 3 St, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 4C4, Canada
Phone: (250) 627-8400
State: British Columbia
County: Skeena-Queen Charlotte
Zip Code: V8J 4C4

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Přišel jsem po komplikaci po trhaní osmičky kde můj doktor nebyl a poslali mě na VFN. Neměl jsem žádanku a sestra na recepci mě nechtěla vzít. “Na štěstí” jsem byl otekly a dala mi číslo. Byla nepříjemná. Doba čekání je dlouhé, čekal jsem 2,5 hodiny. Když jsem se dostal k doktorce, fakt jsem zapomněl na všechno špatného- velmi příjemná, profesionální a milá! Taky byli studenti dentální medicíny a ošetřili mě a ona im ukazovala. Další dni jsem šel na kontrolu a šlo to rychlejší. Dlouho se čeká bez žádanky ale stalo to za to. Translated by Google I came after a complication after tearing the figure eight where my doctor was not and they sent me to VFN. I didn't have an application form and the nurse at the reception didn't want to take me. "Fortunately" I was swollen and she gave me a number. She was unpleasant. The waiting time is long, I waited 2.5 hours. When I got to the doctor, I really forgot about everything bad - very pleasant, professional and nice! They were also dental students and they treated me and she showed them. The next day I went for a checkup and it went faster. It's a long wait without a request form, but it was worth it.
Moc děkujeme za neskutečně milý, profesionální a odborný přístup paní doktorky Terezy De Riggové. I přes dlouhé čekání, se kterým se ale počítá, jsme byly s maminkou opravdu překvapené péčí, se kterou se mnohdy člověk nesetká ani v drahé soukromé klinice. Translated by Google Thank you very much for the incredibly kind, professional and professional approach of Dr. Tereza De Riggová. Despite the long wait, which is to be expected, my mother and I were really surprised by the care, which one often does not encounter even in an expensive private clinic.
Pan doktor Klíma je absolutně nejlepší doktor, kterého jsem v životě potkal. Byl u mé operace a každý den mě v nemocnici vyšetřil. Vždy mi vysvětlit přesně můj zdravotní stav. Pro laika se snažil to srozumitelně vše vysvětlit. Velmi sympatický a přátelský. Zajímal se o mé psychické problémy, přesto, že jako stomatolga by ho to vůbec nemělo zajímat. V nemocnici velmi dobře komunikoval se studenty ze zahraničí, což mě také potěšilo. Opravdu si nedokážu absolutně představit lepšího doktora. Nemá konkurenci. Translated by Google Doctor Klíma is absolutely the best doctor I have ever met. He was at my surgery and examined me every day in the hospital. Always explain to me exactly my health condition. He tried to explain everything in a comprehensible way for a layman. Very personable and friendly. He was interested in my mental problems, even though as a dentist he shouldn't be interested at all. He communicated very well with students from abroad in the hospital, which also pleased me. I really absolutely cannot imagine a better doctor. Has no competition.
Mají dovolenou, bohužel to nikde neuvedli, zavřeno do 8.8. když jsem zkoušel zavolat, zvedl to automat, který řekl ať přijdu.... Translated by Google They have a holiday, unfortunately they didn't mention it anywhere, closed until August 8. when i tried to call, the machine picked up and said to come...
Translated by Google Take my husband to see his teeth today! Because our Czech language is very good, it is not very convenient to communicate, but the doctor who saw us was very kind and gentle! Asked where we are from, and even found a translator to translate it for us! The doctor is a young man, very handsome...very nice Original ……
Maximálně mi vyšli vstříc při akutních bolestech osmičky. Paní doktorka Kucerova byla velmi příjemná a profesionální a přestože zákrok byl nakonec mnohem náročnější, než se zdálo z počátku, následná péče a ošetření byly velmi pečlivé. Děkuji. Translated by Google At most, they helped me with acute pain in the figure eight. Dr. Kucerova was very pleasant and professional, and although the procedure was ultimately much more difficult than it seemed at the beginning, the follow-up care and treatment were very careful. Thank you.
Prestoze jsem mela zadanku od sveho zubare, ktery mi rekl, ze extrakce osmicky je potreba okamzite, ze do druheho dne uz neotevru usta vubec. Prestoze jsem rekla, ze mam zanet, nateklou dasen, nemohu polykat a otevrit temer usta. Odmitli me vysetrit. Pry me to neohrozuje na zivote. Pomohli mi az v soukrome klinice. Je smutne, ze kdyz clovek potrebuje lekarkou peci, dostane se mu pomoci, az kdyz si za ni zaplati nad ramec zdravotniho pojisteni. Translated by Google However, I had a backlash from my dentist, who told me that the extraction of the figure of eight is needed immediately, that I won't be able to open my mouth at all by the next day. However, I said that I have an infection, my gums are swollen, I can't swallow and I can barely open my mouth. They refused to examine me. It doesn't threaten my life. They even helped me in a private clinic. It is sad that when a person needs medical care, he will only get help if he pays for it beyond the limits of his health insurance.
Translated by Google Quite a long wait. But great waiting rooms, long corridors like a castle. But there are wooden chairs on a special stand in the whole hallway. Original Pomerne dlouhe cekanj. Ale super cekarny poudlouhle chodby jak na zamku. Ale drevene zidlicky na specialnim stojanu je jich cela chodba.
Před 4 lety mi tu zachránili život, měla jsem okoločelistní absces po vytržení osmičky. Přístup doktorů velmi profesionální, i když se může zdát až odměřený. Sestry jak která - některé byly milé, ale byla tam i vyloženě jedna zlomyslná, která se ke mě chovala jak k simulantovi a po operaci se na moje stezky na velké bolesti jen ušklíbla, že to musím vydrzet, ale když jsem to pak řekla jiné sestřeměla jsem opravdu šílené bolesti, hned byl u mě doktor a nechal mi píchnout opiát. Oddělení a vůbec celá budova už by si zasloužilo rozsáhlou rekonstrukci. Translated by Google They saved my life here 4 years ago, I had a paramaxillary abscess after the extraction of the figure eight. The approach of the doctors is very professional, although it may seem measured. The nurses were kind - some were nice, but there was one downright mean one who treated me like a simulant and after the operation she just sneered at me in great pain that I had to put up with it, but when I told another nurse I was in really crazy pain, the doctor was there right away and he injected me with an opiate. The department and the whole building in general would deserve extensive reconstruction.
Bezela jsem do nemocnice s akutni bolesti, ma zubarka mela cely tyden dovolenou. Na kolenou jsem je prosila- odmitli me bez zadanky vzit a poslali me s nateklou pusou domu, ze musim sehnat zadanku bylo utery, ma zubarka mela prijet az dalsi tyden takze moc dekuji. Za tohle si clovek plati zdravko. Pomohli mi az v soukrome ordinaci.. Translated by Google I went to the hospital with acute pain, my dentist was on vacation for a whole week. I begged them on my knees - they refused to take me without a buttock and sent me home with a swollen mouth saying that I had to get a buttock it was Tuesday, my dentist wasn't due for another week so thank you very much. One pays dearly for this. They even helped me in a private surgery..
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