I called this guy named John Woissol for a painting estimate. He told me that he would be out to the location the next day, so we set up a time, and I drove two hours away to my summer home (where I needed the work), and he never showed. I called him up the next day (he never called to say that he was not showing) and he knew I was upset because he knew that I lived over 2 hours away. I told him thaT i NEED TO KNOW A SOLID DATE AND TIME THAT WE COULD MEET. i EXPLAINED THAT i HAD THE CASH, AND WAS READY TO GET THE JOB DONE. hE COULD NOT GIVE ME A DATE OR TIME WHEN WE COULD MEET. TOTAALY UNPROFESSIONAL. THIS GUY SUX. I WOULD NOT RECOMEND THIS HIGHSCHOOL DROP OUT DRUNK TO DO ANY WORK. BOTH TIMES THAT I SPOKE WITH HIM, HE SOUNDED PRETTY WASTED. I AM STILL LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO GIVE ME AN ESTIMATE. IF ANYONE KNOWS A GOOD EXTIORER PAINTER IN THE gENEVA oHIO AREA, RTEPLY BELOW THIS WITH THE PGHONE NUMBER. tHANKS!