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Address: Joussard, AB T0G 1J0, Canada
Phone: (403) 776-3763
State: Alberta
County: Division No. 17
Zip Code: T0G 1J0

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Působivý "horský" jednolodní kostelík s pětiboce ukončeným presbytářem s vysokou strmou střechou a cibulovitou věžičkou byl vysvěcen roku 1516 a až do roku 1624 býval svatostánkem krupských evangelíků, od roku 1640 je kostel katolický. V době baroka byla vybudována přístavba ke kněžišti, která sloužila hřbitovním účelům a také zvonice. Kostel byl renovován v letech 1851-1854 a poté proběhla větší rekonstrukce až ve třicátých letech 20. století. V roce 1615 nechal Georg Klippel, majetný krupský obchodník, postavit krásnou vstupní bránu. Po třicetileté válce sloužil kostel sv. Anny jako jediný zachovaný všem farníkům až do roku 1684, kdy byl opraven městský kostel Nanebevzetí P.M. Následovalo dlouhé období, kdy byl kostel sv. Anny na Libušíně opuštěný a nepoužívaný. Dnes probíhají postupné opravy interiéru a úprava hřbitova. Na něm se pohřbívalo od roku 1609 až do roku 1887, kdy obec zřídila hřbitov nový. U kostela sv. Anny je pohřbeno 327 obětí morové epidemie z roku 1680 a 37 obětí cholery z roku 1850. Zajímavost: kostel se nachází v městské části Libušín. Název této části vznikl podle pověsti, která říká, že se na zdejších stráních scházela bájná kněžna Libuše s Přemyslem Oráčem. An impressive "mountain" single-nave church with a pentagon-finished presbytery with a high steep roof and a turquoise turret was consecrated in 1516 and until 1624 used to be the sanctuary of the Protestant Evangelicals, since 1640 it is a Catholic church. At the time of the Baroque, an extension to the chapel was built, which served for cemetery purposes and also a bell tower was added. The church was renovated in 1851-1854 and then underwent major reconstruction in the 1930s. In 1615, Georg Klippel, a wealthy mercenary merchant, built a beautiful entrance gate - you can admire it even today. After the Thirty Years' War, the church was the only one preserved to all the parishioners until 1684, when the town church of Assumption of P.M. There followed a long period when the church abandoned and unused. Today there are gradual repairs of the interior and cemetery adjustment. It was used as a main funeral space from 1609 until 1887, when the village established a new cemetery. At the Church of St. Anne is buried by 327 victims of the plague epidemic from 1680 and 37 victims of cholera from 1850. Translated by Google An impressive "mountain" one-nave church with a five-sided presbytery with a high steep roof and a bulbous turret was consecrated in 1516 and until 1624 it was the tabernacle of the Krup Evangelicals, since 1640 the church has been Catholic. During the Baroque era, an extension to the chancel was built, which served cemetery purposes and also a bell tower. The church was renovated in the years 1851-1854 and then a larger reconstruction took place only in the thirties of the 20th century. In 1615, Georg Klippel, a wealthy merchant from Krup, had a beautiful entrance gate built. After the Thirty Years' War, the church of St. Anny as the only one preserved for all parishioners until 1684, when the city church of the Assumption P.M. was repaired. A long period followed when the church of St. Anny on Libušín abandoned and unused. Today, gradual repairs of the interior and modification of the cemetery are underway. It was used for burials from 1609 until 1887, when the municipality established a new cemetery. At the church of St. Anne, 327 victims of the plague epidemic in 1680 and 37 victims of cholera in 1850 are buried. Interesting fact: the church is located in the Libušín district. The name of this part arose according to the legend, which says that the legendary princess Libuše met Přemysl Oráč on the slopes here. An impressive "mountain" single-nave church with a pentagon-finished presbytery with a high steep roof and a turquoise turret was consecrated in 1516 and until 1624 used to be the sanctuary of the Protestant Evangelicals, since 1640 it is a Catholic church. At the time of the Baroque, an extension to the chapel was built, which served for cemetery purposes and also a bell tower was added. The church was renovated in 1851-1854 and then underwent major reconstruction in the 1930s. In 1615, Georg Klippel, a wealthy mercenary merchant, built a beautiful entrance gate - you can admire it even today. After the Thirty Years' War, the church was the only one preserved to all the parishioners until 1684, when the town church of Assumption of P.M. There followed a long period when the church was abandoned and unused. Today there are gradual repairs of the interior and cemetery adjustment. It was used as a main funeral space from 1609 until 1887, when the village established a new cemetery. At the Church of St. Anne is buried by 327 victims of the plague epidemic from 1680 and 37 victims of cholera from 1850.
Třetí gotický kostel v Krupce, tzv. Hřbitovní. Tato pohledná pozdněgotická stavba s prvky renesance, které najdete v interieru na př. Fresky, kazetový strop a j. Je obnovený a stojí za návštěvu. Pěkná vstupní brána na romantický hornický hřbitov. Translated by Google The third Gothic church in Krupka, the so-called Cemetery. This handsome late-Gothic building with Renaissance elements found in the interior e.g. frescoes, coffered ceiling, etc. has been restored and is worth a visit. A nice entrance gate to a romantic mining cemetery.
Kostel svaté Anny byl postaven v roce 1516. V letech 1576–1624 patřil evangelické církvi, která jej přestavěla v renesančním slohu. Translated by Google The Church of Saint Anne was built in 1516. In the years 1576–1624 it belonged to the Evangelical Church, which rebuilt it in the Renaissance style.
Kostelík uprostřed hřbitova ve kterém je nástěnná malba znázorňující Martina Luthera. Translated by Google A church in the middle of the cemetery in which there is a mural depicting Martin Luther.
Krásné místo s úžasnou atmosférou Translated by Google A beautiful place with an amazing atmosphere
Velká paráda a zajímavost. Translated by Google Great show and interest.
Tajemné romantické místo Translated by Google Mysterious romantic place
Krásné místo Translated by Google Beautiful place
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