We bought a wood stove from the store there and paid the store for installation. We were told by the chimney sweep that the installation was not done properly. We informed the store and after a month they have not done anything. We had the municipal fire chief look at the installation this week and he has asked us not to us the wood stove until the installation is fixed.
8 years ago (19-07-2017)
Service courtois mais très dispendieux. Ils viennent de me remplir: 93 ¢ le litre. J'ai appelé un compétiteur: 76¢ le litre. Avec les taxes c'est presque 20¢ de plus le litre.
8 years ago (16-11-2017)
Eux sont capables de dire la vérité, ya pas de surprise!
9 years ago (30-03-2017)
Des voleurs, du gaz à 1.25$/litre quand ailleur il est 0.77$/litre. Compagnie à ÉVITER