Dr. Mattar K
13 km
I had an x-ray in January 2018 at the GNGH in Niagara Falls. Dr. Mattar was pleasant...
I had a 5/16/16, 3:45 PM appointment for a breathing test. I was late, arrived at 3:57 PM, confirmed by my cell phone, not a wrist watch. I called the office earlier that morning to confirm my appointment and asked if I needed to wear sneakers or comfortable clothing and also asked for directions to the facility. I am a health benefits administrator for a school district and service approximately 2,000 active and retired employees and it is annual open enrollment. To say I was busy at work on the day of my appointment is an understatement. I was fielding dozens of phone calls and walks in without appointments. This is what caused me to run late, I simply could not walk away from my desk. As I was driving around the myriad of complexes trying to locate the facility, I could not, this was my first visit. I called the office, identified myself, stated I was on my way to my appointment and advised I needed help finding the office. The female who answered my call stated I was actually there, I just needed to make a few more twists and turns to get into THEIR actual office. When I walked into the office approximately 20-30 seconds later, the two females behind the desk looked perplexed to see me. I identified myself and since they seemed so perplexed when I arrived, I stated I had just called for directions and I asked if I was in the right office. The female I spoke with confirmed I was and stated I was 15 minutes late and could not be seen. She telephoned the gentleman who was going to give me my breathing test, he didn't answer her call, but then appeared in the reception office. The female stated to him, not asked, stated, "you already turned the machine off didn't you." The gentleman looked at me, did not speak a word, just looked directly at me and shrugged his shoulders. I do not understand why, when reception was just on the phone with me navigating me to their office, they didn't think to inform the gentleman who would administer my test I was in the parking lot trying to locate the office, don't turn the machine off, she's here. OR, when we were on the phone and I was trying to find the office, why wasn't I told not to bother trying to find the office because we will not see you. I realize I was late. I apologized for being 13 minutes late. No response whatsoever from 3 staff members behind the desk. Not, I'm sorry, it's simply not possible to turn the breathing machine back on, not, I should have told you when you called for directions we could not see you, nothing. No one asked or suggested if I were interested in rescheduling my breathing test. I fully acknowledge I was late for my appointment. My job is important as well. I cannot believe the 3 people I encountered at this facility did not even attempt to accommodate me or reschedule me - I was scheduled for a breathing test, obviously I am having health issues. It was evident, the gentleman who would have performed my test was ready to walk out the door when I arrived, possibly he was scheduled to leave at 4 PM and when I arrived it was 3:57 PM I would have delayed his schedule. The handling of this scenario by the staff was completely unprofessional.
10 years ago (17-05-2016)
Dr Kahn is a caring gentleman and a very professional Doctor.His office staff are also very accord imaging.I would recommend this facility to anyone with a respitory problem.
9 years ago (24-10-2016)
Dr. Kahn is a compassionate provider. He cared for a family member through the respiratory clinic at ECMC. He looked at Marc as a whole person even with his multiple health issues.