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Maple Florist


Maple Florist Trusted, High-Quality Florist in Port Moody - Our expert florists create the perfect gifts to suit any special occasion.


Send Dazzling Flowers in Port Moody from Maple Florist

The florists at Maple Florist take pride in providing the freshest bouquets, plants and gift baskets to delight every customer. For floral arrangements in Port Moody BC, look no further than Maple Florist. Our experts artistically hand-arrange your flowers and hand-deliver them to your special recipient. There’s no better option when it comes to fresh, beautiful flowers in Port Moody.

Don’t settle for flowers that arrive in a dull box. With Maple Florist, your flowers will be hand-arranged and delivered to Port Moody or anywhere nationwide. Our fresh flowers are expertly arranged by our professional florists to give each gift that special, personal touch. Trust Maple Florist for bouquets that will brighten their day in Port Moody!

Maple Florist in Port Moody, BC provides flower delivery service to the following areas and zip codes in British Columbia:
Our shop serves the following areas in British Columbia: Belcarra, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody.


Maple Florist - Trusted, High-Quality Florist in Port Moody

Maple Florist offers beautiful, fresh flower arrangements in Port Moody, BC. Our expert florists create the perfect gifts to suit any special occasion. Maple Florist also offers quick and easy floral delivery around Port Moody. Need flowers delivered across the country? Our trusted network of florists can deliver nationwide. Maple Florist also offers same-day delivery services for any last minute gift needs.

You want to give a memorable gift for an upcoming special occasion. Why not give a beautiful floral bouquet from Maple Florist? We have the perfect Valentine’s Day flowers, Mother’s Day flowers, birthday flowers and more to fit your style and budget. Say “I love you” with stunning anniversary flowers or show your sentiments in a truly special way with get well flowers and sympathy funeral flowers. You can trust Maple Florist for bright, fresh flowers in the Port Moody BC area. Brighten a day today with the perfect floral arrangements and gifts for the ones you care about.

Beautiful fresh flowers make such a thoughtful gift, and with Maple Florist, ordering them is easy and convenient. Browse our website to find the perfect floral gift and order online or over the phone. You can trust our skilled florists to arrange a beautiful bouquet for your special occasion, or even create a gorgeous one-of-a-kind arrangement just for you. Order from Maple Florist for reliable delivery in Port Moody and across the nation.

Address: 2503 Saint Johns Street, Port Moody, BC V3H 2B3, Canada
Phone: (604) 939-5200
State: British Columbia
County: Greater Vancouver
City: Port Moody
Zip Code: V3H 2B3

Opening Hours

Monday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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Extremely good service. I needed a flower wreath for a funeral and Eric was able to help me with the details. The flower arrangement was delivered on time and was beautiful!
8 years ago (22-03-2018)
Good customer service! Reliable delivery weekly and fresh flowers!
8 years ago (14-06-2017)
Outstanding!! Good Service and flesh flowers! Definitely will come again!
9 years ago (05-05-2017)
Great service! We ordered three poinsettias for office Christmas decorations. They were deliveries on time and all very fresh and beautiful! Thank you!
9 years ago (17-12-2016)
Very poor unprofessional inefficient service. A $75 Christmas arrangement had additional $12.00 handing fee , another $12.00 delivery fee. And the asian fellow behind the counter wanted an additional $15.00 for a Teleflora order because "as shown" on the catalog was NOT as shown. The delivering Florist " Victoria something" in Selkirk, MB does not subscribe to Teleflora catalog. Cancelled order too much hassle ...takes away the beauty of a happy giving holiday spirit. Be warned ..on snowy days Maple Florist does not salt or clear their parking lot. 4WD only and carry chains. . Snow tires not good enough.
9 years ago (14-12-2016)
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