Librairie MédiasPaul
7 km
Sérieux et courtoisie. On fait toujours un effort pour nous accommoder.
The best and largest selection of magazines and newspapers in all of eastern quebec. Prices are controled by publishers... so not better nor worse than anywere else. Staff can be "over the top" friendly at times.
8 years ago (26-07-2017)
The best choice of magazine in Quebec city
9 years ago (14-04-2017)
Great selection, but they don't allow for much browsing time. It's not a relaxing place to visit...get your magazine and get out.
16 years ago (15-01-2010)
Très bon service et personnel affable.
8 years ago (05-02-2018)
Très grand choix de revues, magazines, journeaux et livres touchant une grande variété de sujets. Excellent service.