Charged all kinds of money with no ability to tell you how much things were costing with no noticeable improvement he seems to care but also acts like he's on some drugs himself. He's one doctor and seems overwhelmed loves the MRI machine and procedures not sure about lasting relief. Thanks anyway!
8 years ago (12-05-2017)
Dear Dr. Kowalkowski, I wanted to sincerely thank you for helping to manage my pain the last year. I couldn’t begin to imagine the pain I would be in without your help. In the last year you did more to manage my pain then the Doctor I was with for the five years prior. You treated my whole body, not just one area. You even took care of my fingers. I wouldn’t even be able to type this letter without your management of my care.You might have even saved my life with the growth that was found on the MIR. You know what pain needs to be treated with arthritis and which pain needs more investigation. So again I would like to say that you for treating my arthritis. I would highly recommend you to others. Please use me as a reference I would be willing to speak to others about the dynamic care you have give me.
10 years ago (03-06-2016)
I’ve been living with daily migraines for the last 2 ½ years which were almost debilitating. At times I was unable to get out of bed, I was unable to take care of my 2-year-old son, I was unable to do my housework and cooking. I was referred to IPPMC through my primary care physician who had been treating my headaches with medication. After a short time of being treated at IPPMC I may at most have four headaches a month which are not as nearly as severe as my previous headaches. I am now able to function and my activities are not restricted anymore. It has really helped a lot.
9 years ago (05-10-2016)
This thank you is as warm as it can be because your thoughtfulness meant so much to us. We cannot find words to express our feelings and appreciations to the wonderful care, attention/support and help that we have received in your facility. It is beyond wonderful, what a wonderful team.
10 years ago (12-04-2016)
I was in a lot of pain when I came to IPPMC, I was depressed with a lot of anxiety. I presented for their multidisciplinary program including behavioral health, physical therapy and interventional treatments with Dr. K as well as pool therapy. I really love the pool therapy, it takes away half of my pain. I am sleeping better and I am more energetic. I am now smiling in the morning. I was really happy that they did not just throw a bunch of medications at me. I was afraid of performing this rehabilitation without medication as I had been in the past dependent on these medications because of my pain and anxiety. Ultimately they were looking out for my best interests which may have been harder for them to treat. Overall I am happy and glad I am not taking medications. I am feeling better. When you are on medications you are foggy. I am sleeping better and going on a canoe trip to the Boundary Waters with my father. Dr. K is awesome