Good prices, to say about the same as all florists, don't expect a dozen rose for 15$ like the groceries here. But, here, they'll last you a week if you don't maintain them rather than wilt in a day. Owner at the counter explained proper maintenance to keep thwm pretty as long as possible, she's passionate about her work you can tell. If you want something for an calendar occasion, don't be a fool and drop by after work at 5-6 Pm (specially not on valentines day), reserve those flowers and be sure to have them when the day comes, this is just applying logic people, yet you would be surprised how many guys are caught with their pants down... delivery is a bit expensive on holidays so you might want to pick those up yourself if you have the time.
Plenty of goodies as well if you're short a gift for the hosts of that dinner you're attending.
8 years ago (25-01-2018)
Prices are fair, owner at the counter and a good flosist
9 years ago (30-04-2017)
C'est le jour de la St-Valentin. Le personnel est très peu accueillant. On ne me dit même pas bonjour et d’ailleurs un client a quitté par manque de service. La propriétaire m’a proposé des bouquets déjà faits sans me présenter sa vitrine et faire mes choix. J'ai demandé si c'était le même prix et on me répond d'un ton sec et peu courtois. Ce n'était pas un super service et ce sera la dernière fois que je les encouragerais. Le mot se passe et je n'ai pas eu de bon commentaire par la suite de mon entourage sur cette entreprise.
8 years ago (15-02-2018)
Wow ! Service impeccable! Bon prix !
9 years ago (02-01-2017)
Il ne charge pas de taxes à des gens qui paient cash mais chargent si on paie interac. En plus de prix exorbitant. Service médiocre.