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Edit Business | Robert T Tinl
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About At Tinl & Deliman, our purpose is to provide a wide range of legal services and representation to individuals, families and businesses in the communities. Story What We Provide At Tinl & Deliman, we understand that many clients are unaware of the complexities of the legal system. We know that our role not only requires commitment and advocacy, but also patience, understanding and education. We want our clients to not just agree with our suggestions, but to also understand our recommendations and strategies. Our Experience We believe that our practice's fifty-plus years of combined experience is invaluable to our clients. We believe the ability to quickly recognize and assess the problems and issues our clients present, and to then implement and utilize the knowledge we have gained over many years of advocacy, sets us apart as a firm that people want to continue to use for years to come. Our Practice Areas While physically located in Brunswick (Medina County), our proximity to the county borders of Cuyahoga County, Lorain County and Summit County enables us to receive many referrals for legal matters in the courts and offices of these surrounding counties. In addition, we practice in the various Municipal Courts and Mayor's Courts in these counties, including, but not limited to, Brunswick Mayor's Court, North Royalton Mayor's Court, Strongsville Mayor's Court, Medina Municipal Court, Wadsworth Municipal Court, Berea Municipal Court, Elyria Municipal Court, Parma Municipal Court, and many other courts in the Cleveland suburbs and surrounding municipalities. In addition to the geographical areas we serve, we are able to offer our clients representation in many legal matters. Although not an exclusive list,our areas of assistance include the following: Bankruptcy Estate Planning and Probate Divorce, Dissolution and Family Law Paternity, Child Support and Custody Traffic Tickets and OVI (DUI) Defense Misdemeanor Criminal Defense Accidents, Injuries, Wrongful Death Call us or email us (info@tinlanddeliman.com) to meet with us on any of these matters, or to discuss our ability to assist in any other matter.
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