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Edit Business | Calgary Core Physiotherapy
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About Calgary Core Physiotherapy provides physiotherapy, acupuncture, sports and post-operative rehabilitation, and injury treatment services in downtown Calgary Story At Calgary Core Physiotherapy, we have created a clinic where clients can see what a difference it makes in their injury recovery when you combine the skills to heal and the spirit to care. Our desire is to make a positive impact on our downtown community, all 4 quadrants of Calgary, and beyond. Yes, this is a large area to consider, but our clientele has come from as far away as BC, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories! Our clinic is easily accessible for both downtown workers as well as those who live in the outskirts of the city. Our vision is to bring together an amazing group of physiotherapists who are highly-skilled, respected in the medical community, and who know how to really care and have compassion for their patients. We also are always extremely grateful and fortunate to have a top-notch administrative staff to help our clients with all the non-clinical support. Our mission is to provide superior physiotherapy services with the utmost competency, integrity, and personalized care. We want to exceed our clients’ expectations and help them achieve optimal, pain-free living. Simply put, our focus is always the client and their health."Calgary Core Physiotherapy is a leader in pain relief and injury recovery focused on 1on1 physio appointments. Just you and your physical therapist working together to get results.Our treatments and therapies are safe, effective, and supported by the latest research. We are respected leaders in the rehabilitation community in providing treatments that work.We work in helping all patients recover from injury and stop pain... From the weekend warrior to busy executives.We're also proud to work with Athletes! From Cirque du Soleil, the Canadian Rugby Team, Olympic teams, all the way to an athletic weekend warrior.If you're frustrated with your pain and injury - we'll get you back on track quickly."
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