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Edit Business | Flying Plastic Disc Golf Pro Shop
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About Iowa's Premier Disc Golf Pro Shop! Major brands!Largest Locally Owned & Operated Ray Ban Dealer in Iowa! Oakley Sunglasses & Apparel, Neff and more!!! Story I ran a large company for over 5 years and generated them over 1 million dollars a year all this time working over 44 hours a week minimum(more like 50-60) and barely making 40k. SO I started thinking about those people who say you'll never work a day in your life if you do what you love. After 2 years of bouncing good and bad ideas for a career that i would be in love with(against my dads head, sorry if I gave you a headache) opening a disc golf store become the most obvious answer. I planned to work at my day job and continue to work on the disc golf store until it was PERFECT. Then I was fired, for no reason at all. I still cannot tell you why I was fired except for I was told by co-owner that the other owner had a grudge against me because I beat his previous sales numbers out of the water!? Isn't that what I'm suppose to do? So, without any severance package or good bye or thanks for your 5 years of dedication, i get kicked to the curb. I've devoted every dime I have to delivering the best and highest quality products to the Ames community. You can expect nothing but the best customer service from Flying Plastic Disc Golf. Your money helps buy a kid a pair of baseball cleats or even something as simple as gas for his dad to get to see him every week. There's no corporate agenda or bullshit here at Flying Plastic Disc Golf. Just REAL HONEST PEOPLE, trying to MAKE A HONEST LIVING outside of the controlling corporate world we've all fallen victims to. See you at the Disc Golf course! Fall Semester Hours!!! Closed Monday-Wednesday or by appointment only, same with Fridays due to my class schedule. IF the regular store hours do not fit your schedule please CALL/TEXT 515-343-7865 to set up the perfect time for you to shop! Impressum At Flying Plastic Disc Golf we strive in carrying QUALITY over QUANTITY. You only get ONE shot!
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