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Edit Business | Umatilla Morrow Head Start, Inc.
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About Stronger Families, Better Communities, Brighter Futures-UMCHS! Story Our agency has ever-growing opportunities for children and caregivers can be provided in partnership so that communities ensure that each child has the best chance to enter school ‘ready to learn’ and to ultimately thrive as children grow. We weave nutrition, physical, emotional and oral health, parent education, and links to vital supports into all our program offerings at important junctures in a child and family’s life. All services are provided by a team of more than 200 staff, board and volunteers. These services are made possible with important contributions from federal, state, and local government and related organizations, foundations, businesses, faith communities and local individuals and philanthropists. We walk this important journey alongside our child care providers, parents, school & health districts and educational service districts, and all who seek to insure our communities foster the best childhood has to offer. The stage is set for the best early learning outcomes we’ve seen to date in eleven counties! As a community we are making sure that the places where children spend so much of their time, in childcare, classrooms and communities, are transformed into resource-rich, quality environments. Our most at-risk children are given the resources that they need to thrive at a point in time that is so critical to their child development. We see each member of our community as a vital link to a better future for children. We hope that you make our website and our 29 sites a revolving door – one where you swing by to pick up information and enroll children for preschool, link up to licensed child care and nutrition services, one that you refer to for those families in need, a place that you can call home and in which you can invest your time, talent and treasure as a volunteer, donor, employee, intern or friend. Together we can strengthen families, build community and brighten our collective futures! Won’t you join us? Check out the wonderful programs and services that are offered and the many links to our community partners! Mission Umatilla-Morrow Head Start is a caring, innovative network of quality individuals working in partnership with others to strengthen families and communities.
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