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About Official page. Account not monitored 24/7. In emergency call 9-1-1. All other inquiries call 705-876-1122. This page should not be used to report a crime. Story Peterborough Police Service Facebook Terms This is the Peterborough Police Service's official Facebook page. The Peterborough Police Service (PPS) is located in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. This page was created to provide people who live and work in the Peterborough area, or others with an interest in PPS the access to information about the PPS and a platform to interact with the PPS. This page is monitored and managed by the Media Relations Co-ordinator for the Peterborough Police Service. Comments posted by others on the PPS Facebook page(s) are not to be considered the opinion of the PPS nor does PPS endorse any third-party comments on this page. PPS welcomes a person's right to comment and express his/her opinion. We encourage posters to keep comments related to content on this page. In case of emergency, or if you need immediate police assistance dial 9-1-1. Please note this account is not monitored 24/7. Do not use this page to report a crime. To report a crime contact the PPS at 705-876-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. Before posting on this page, please review the terms below: • A posting on this page constitutes acceptance of these terms. • If you post information related to a crime on this page, you may be placing yourself in the position of becoming a witness in court proceedings. • The acceptance of a friend invite between PPS members and a citizen does not indicate endorsement of that person’s actions or comments. • The PPS reserves the right to remove and/or block anyone who posts inappropriate material as determined by the PPS. • The PPS reserves the right to remove any comments that are inappropriate or offensive, including speech containing obscene or sexually explicit language, images, or acts and statements or other forms of speech that ridicule, malign, disparage, or otherwise express bias against any race, religion, or any protected class of individuals. • In addition, PPS reserves the right to remove any comments that are inappropriate or offensive including the following: -defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or violate the legal rights of others, -include racism, hatred, slander, threats, obscenity, violence, vulgarity, spam or advertisements, -have personal information about another person or that violate a person’s privacy interests, -include copyrighted material belonging to another person, -contain links to inappropriate or offensive websites. •The PPS does not allow posting of photos or videos by anyone other than members of the PPS Media Relations. •If you have photos or videos you’d like to share on this page, contact PPS Media Relations at 705-876-1122 ext. 217 •Postings are subject to all applicable Federal and Provincial legislation. This includes, but is not limited, to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Criminal Code of Canada, Ontario Police Service Act, and the Ontario Human Rights Code. Mission Our Mission is to promote the safety of citizens and the protection of property, through an appropriate balance of law enforcement and problem solving and crime prevention initiatives. This is based on a philosophy of community policing that involves working in partnership with citizens and other community stakeholders.
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