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Edit Business | Alpha Family Center
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About Alpha Family Center is a pro-life, Christian pregnancy care and family center. We share pregnancy information with our clients and alternatives to abortion Story Alpha Family Center is a life-affirming, Christian pregnancy resource center serving those who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy, traumatized by abortion and other sexual trauma, or needing parenting support and education. The work was begun in 2000 in Newaygo Michigan as a satellite office of the Grand Rapids Alpha Women’s Center, as a result of the vision of the First Baptist Church of Newaygo to have a pregnancy resource center to serve Newaygo County. The center was first opened in a residential building on Wood Street in Newaygo. In 2007 the Newaygo satellite office became an independent center, with its own Board of Directors and incorporated as a 501(C)(3) non-profit religious, educational organization. The services of Alpha Family Center are always free to all everyone. Services include: Pregnancy options counsel, material and educational support for parenting, adoption support, relationship education for healthy sexual choices, healing from sexual abuse and trauma, and post-abortion recovery. The ministry is funded through the generous donations of local individuals, churches, businesses and foundations. AFC is an outreach of every local church who partners with us. As the ministry is volunteer driven one of the primary partnerships with the local church is volunteering of church members. There are many volunteer opportunities.
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