Mud Dogs Truck Wash
9 km
Don't you just hate it when you just get everything washed and you pull out and there...
I think it's the best for your buck.
8 years ago (04-10-2017)
Meh, it's good for the hose. I bring my own soap & sponge... week 10 and the owner still doesn't know. hehe
9 years ago (15-03-2017)
Clean out your sediment tanks! The stench of the car wash is worse than the feed lots in Brooks! It's soooo gross😖😠😖
8 years ago (10-06-2017)
The only star is because they have a good location. It is run by an idiot and not well kept. There are far better locations with actual real service. You could do better with a garden hose.
10 years ago (01-02-2016)
Do NOT wash your car here. They have recently "upgraded" the car wash which included gluing new signs over the digital timer, which I assume is so that you can't see greatly reduced time they give. I just left and felt completely ripped off at the fact that I spent 6 dollars and that did not even get me through a mediocre soap cycle and half a rinse. At which point I had no more change and was left with a half rinsed vehicle. This has been the only car wash I have used on a regular basis since I got my drivers license, which is now coming on 8 years, and I shall not be back. Unless you want to be raped, go elsewhere. I know I shall.