Charlotte-Tea • Up to 30 flavors Bubble Tea with different topping •Flavors Ice Crush & Sorbet •PEI Fresh Fruitee Smoothee
Bubble tea was originally created as a Taiwanese tea-based drink that was invented in the 1980s in tea shops in Taiwan. The term "bubble" is an Anglicized imitative form derived from the Chinese bōbà, meaning "large", and slang for the large, chewy tapioca balls commonly added to the drink. These are (fěnyuán), also called "pearls" (zhēnzhū). Most bubble tea recipes contain a tea base mixed with fruit or milk. Ice-blended versions are usually mixed with fruit or syrup, resulting in a slushy consistency.
■ Up to 20 favors Bubble Tea with different topping
■ Favors Ice Crush and Sorbet
■ 100% Real Fruit Juice/Smoothie
Bubble tea is unique drink that you should experience at least once! It is part drink and part dessert snack, but definitely all fun lol.
We now cater social event from cocktail parties, galas and wedding to corporate events such as grand openings, product launches and annual meetings.
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