The Bone House B&B
9 km
Or pup stayed at the Bonehouse B&B over Christmas. Amazing place for your dog. The ow...
Canmedical/Veen sold us equipment that we were assured was inspected and passed as not only 'in good working order' but that was apparently appropriately priced based on age and condition. Bob Simpson rushed the sale saying that he had other buyers on his doorstep thus giving us no time to do our due diligence. Much of the equipment was older and we knew the chances we were taking but given the circumstances Bob placed on us, we accepted his words as trustworthy. Once we were able to properly assess the items, we realized numerous pieces either weren't functional or on the brink of failure. Perhaps most frustrating was that some items were grossly over priced. For instance, 10 year old veterinary software was priced 4x - 5x that of market value (25K for 10 year old DVmax?). We questioned Bob on this and his response was that he was sorry that we had buyer's remorse(!). Myself and my partners will never buy from him again - the equipment does not come from him and so may or may not be of good quality but his assessment of his merchandise and consideration to his customers is basically that of an underhanded used car salesmen - no ethics or integrity after the sale - BEWARE!
8 years ago (02-11-2017)
Purchased a Fuji CR through Bob. Paid him to come set it up. Bob sent us an email saying that we should have hi speed internet where the machine was set up - it wasn't necessary for its function but required for support staff to remote in. Bob came to the clinic and ran into numerous problems. It was essential to have a hard wired internet set up. Without this the Fuji would not connect to any of the clinic computers. Bob took no responsibility for his error, stated that he was not a Fuji rep and we had known this when we hired him to do the install. We were left with a system that could not export images, a problem with storage (ie the system couldn't store without the hard wired internet), and had all the previous clinic's clients on it. In addition, the system could not be changed to take off the old clinic name - if we took a radiograph it labelled it with the previous clinic. Bob has indicated that any purchase through Can medical is "where is as is", regardless whether or not he is the one doing the set up. We are about 60 days into the purchase and have spend almost a $1000