If you call ADAM, they answer as "this is ADAM", it's a separate phone line for their business. They fraudulently pose as a separate company without going through proper channels, and don't have the business licenses or fillings to back it up.
They use this to bleed men dry and pit men against women. They specialize in two things, dragging on a battle as long as possible, and representing women, in a winner take all situation.
Morals and ethics? Forget about it, blood money is sweeter than anything else to these attorneys! If you have a pulse and a check book, and a child in the middle, they'll make sure to do everything possible to get money instead of simply walking away from a dirty client. Despite their legal obligation and legal ethics to walk away.
Run, don't walk!
9 years ago (02-05-2017)
Amazing lawyers
9 years ago (07-05-2017)
I wouldn't recommend Mark Bailey to anyone. He sells himself well, very aggresive in the consulation, aggresive on the phone but meek and weak in the courtroom, or in our case in front of a referee. Well overpriced for poor represenation and they charge for everything, Yes $225 an hour is understandable but get ready to be nickel and dimed to death because he charges in 1/5th hour increments for every litte thing, makes a two minute phone call, thats $45. He charged us $45 dollars for every piece of mail he opened, $45 for every phone call, Charges us $225 documents to draft a document we told him not too, and then $90 when we fired him for not listening to us. All and all we lost our battle, and the winner paid less than half what we did in lawyers fees because while their lawyer obviously had to make money, she does it by caring about her clients instead of their pocketbooks. Don't take my word for it, I think the you can get the baileys whole story just by reading these reviews. You've got a few honest real reviews, that happen to be negative. Then you have four five star review left within days of each other, two of them using the word 'Kudos' and another one indcating all these negative reviews must have been left by competitors, Get real, those reviews were clearly all written by the same people or same office, they manipulte their reviews just like they will manipulate you if you are unfortunate enough to do business with them. Stay Away!