Attean provides the antidote for your plugged in life. Like many folks, you may not even realize you need treatment. It suggests, and in fact insists due to limited connection options, that you go back in time and have real, uninterrupted fun (don't worry, you can connect when you need to). Attean provides all meals which I rate at 8.5 out of 10. They pack a lunch for you every day to encourage exploration off-island. Kayaks and canoes are available for free, but to really explore you'll need one of the skiffs available for small fee. The lake is almost totally free of boat traffic as the surrounding land was purchased years ago, easements were added which precluded the building of lake homes...thus, the only boaters are those that put in in Jackman and a few boats owned by other folks on the island. Our cabin was great, we didn't miss electricity one bit and the plumbing was totally modern. It was rustic but totally efficient, it had everything we needed. Attean offers the best of both worlds: it makes you feel like you rented your own secluded vacation cabin but takes care of all the hard work (cooking, cleaning and cleaning up after cooking). Having all meals provided adds 2-3 hours to your day when you have kids...we realized that between cooking and cleaning up we would lose 45 minutes per meal when we rented a vacation house. The difference is incredible. This place should be on your radar.