I was not impressed by this place. The salesmen are pretty much the stereotypical "I'll try to sell you anything especially the things you do not need", with some exception of course. The price on new utilities are similar to any other places, but the prices on used product is astronomical. I saw a refurbished refrigerator that was almost as pricey as a new one and it smelled like old cheese.
8 years ago (08-09-2017)
Fantastic place to shop for your appliances !!! A very friendly environment and they march any competitors !!! A must visit !!!
8 years ago (13-06-2017)
Trouver la pieces de ma laveuse tres bon conseil je lai reparer toute seule
8 years ago (20-11-2017)
Excellent service et conseils. Livraison rapide et dans les heures convenues
8 years ago (02-08-2017)
Bon service et bon prix (ne pas se fier au prix étiqueté par contre)